Libby로 신청해놨던 책이 대출대기로 상태가 바뀌었다연말이라 바쁜와중에 읽을 수 있을까다른사람에게 양보할까 고민하다가아침시간에 책을 읽어보기로 마음먹고읽기시작~~~!!! 얼마나 걸릴지는 모르겠다하지만 대출기한이 14일이므로 되는데까지 열심히 읽기!!!Stolen Focus*respite there was almost no respite*wieldI realized i was surrounded by people wielding selfie sticksthey had put their phones into waterproof casings, and they were frantically posing and posting. several of them were livestreaming to Instagra..